昆山威廉希尔WilliamHill机械设备有限公司提供莱宝真空泵维修,爱德华真空泵维修,爱发科真空泵维修,英福康检漏仪,阿特拉斯真空泵,阿尔卡特真空泵维修,普发真空泵维修,普旭真空泵维修,贝克真空泵维修,真空系统检漏 等服务。
双级旋片泵 TRIVAC D 16 B
抽速 (50 Hz): | 16.5 m³/h |
抽速 (60 Hz): | 19.8 m³/h |
极限压强: | 2 x 10⁻³ mbar |
The TRIVAC B are oil-sealed vacuum pumps based on the rotary vane principle. The oil injected into the pump chamber is used for sealing, lubrication and cooling. The pump body is composed of individual parts without sealing elements. These are pinned to ensure easy disassembly and assembly.
environmentally friendly
■ Quiet
■ Vibration-free running Energy-saving
energy saving
■ Low power consumption
■ Low heat emission
Modern vacuum technology
■ High pumping speed up to the final pressure
■ Low final pressure, even with gas ballast
■ High water vapor tolerance
■ Continuous operation even at 1000 mbar
■ Integrated oil pump, positively lubricated slide bearings
■ Minimal air intake
■ High leak tightness (4He capable)
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